Quizva quiz platform (“Quizva”) has adopted this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain how Quizva collects, stores, and uses the information collected in connection with Quizva apps, games, products, websites and services (together “Services”).

Should you have any questions relating to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at contact@quizva.com.

By installing, using, registering to or otherwise accessing the services, you agree to this privacy policy and give an explicit and informed consent to the process, use and disclosure of your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please do not install, use, register to or otherwise access the services. Quizva reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at reasonable times, so please review it frequently. Your continued use of services will signify your acceptance of the changes to this privacy policy.

Non-personal data

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “non-personal data” means information that does not directly identify you. Additionally, non-personal data means “aggregate” and “de-personalized” information, which Quizva collects to use in Quizva Services, from which any personally identifiable data has been removed.

Quizva may use tools or third party analytical software to automatically collect and use certain non-personal data that does not directly enable Quizva to identify you. The types of non-personal data Quizva may collect and use include, but are not limited to: (i) device properties, including, but not limited to IP address, Media Access Control (“MAC”) address and unique device identifier or other persistent or non-persistent device identifier ("Device ID"); (ii) device software platform and firmware; (iii) mobile phone carrier; (iv) geographical data such as zip code, area code and coarse location; (v) game progress, time used playing, score and achievements; (vi) other non-personal data as reasonably required by Quizva to enhance the services and other Quizva products and services.

Quizva may use and disclose to Quizva partners and contractors the collected non-personal data for purposes of analyzing usage of the services, advertisement serving, managing and providing the services and to further develop the services and other Quizva services and products.

You recognize and agree that the analytics companies utilized by Quizva may combine the information collected with other information they have independently collected from other services or products relating to your activities. These companies collect and use information under their own privacy policies.

Quizva may supplement your personal and non-personal data with data received from third parties in connection with demographic, advertisement, market and other analytics surveys or services.

If you require a complete list of third-party analytics tools then get in touch with us at contact@quizva.com

Ad Serving Technology

Quizva reserves the right to use and disclose the collected non-personal data for purposes of advertisement by Quizva or Quizva partners. Quizva may employ third party ad serving technologies that use certain methods to collect information as a result of ad serving through services. Quizva or third parties operating the ad serving technology may use demographic and location information as well as information logged from your hardware or device to ensure that appropriate advertising is presented within the service. Quizva or third parties may collect and use data for this purpose including, but not limited to IP address (including but not limited to for purposes of determining your coarse location), Device ID, MAC, software, applications, hardware, browser information, internet and on-line usage information and in-game information. The foregoing data may be used and disclosed in accordance with this privacy policy and the privacy policy of the company providing the ad serving technology.

You recognize and agree that the advertising companies who deliver ads for Quizva may combine the information collected with other information they have independently collected from other services or products. These companies collect and use information under their own privacy policies. These ad serving technologies are integrated into services; if you do not want to be subject to this technology, do not use or access services. Although Quizva takes commercially reasonable steps to instruct such advertising companies to comply with the terms and conditions of this privacy policy, Quizva does not have access to or control of third party technologies.

Personal Data

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal data” means personally identifiable information that specifically identifies you as an individual.

Likely situations when you make personal data available to Quizva include, but are not limited to: (i) registration for services, contests and special events; (ii) accessing services using a third party ID, such as social networking sites or gaming services; (iii) subscribing to newsletters; (iv) using “email this app or game," or other similar features; (v) requesting technical support; and (vi) otherwise through use of Quizva services where personal data is required for use and/or participation.

Likely situations when you make personal data available to Quizva include, but are not limited to: (i) registration for Services, contests and special events; (ii) accessing services using a third party ID, such as social networking sites or gaming services; (iii) subscribing to newsletters; (iv) using “email this app or game," or other similar features; (v) requesting technical support; and (vi) otherwise through use of Quizva services where personal data is required for use and/or participation.

Quizva may use personal and non-personal data, both individually and combined together, for purposes of analyzing usage of the services, providing customer and technical support, managing and providing services (including managing advertisement serving), customizing Quizva communications and to further develop the services and other Quizva services and products. Quizva may combine non-personal data with personal data.

Quizva may use your personal data to send messages to you with informative and/or commercial content about Quizva services or third party products and services Quizva thinks may be of interest to you, such as new features and services, special offers and updated information.

Quizva may use your personal data to send messages to you with informative and/or commercial content about Quizva services or third party products and services Quizva thinks may be of interest to you, such as new features and services, special offers and updated information.

Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data may be disclosed in accordance with applicable legislation and this Privacy Policy.

Quizva may hire agents to collect and process personal data on Quizva's behalf and in such cases such agents will be instructed to comply with our Privacy Policy and to use personal data only for the purposes for which the third party has been engaged by Quizva. These agents may not use your personal data for their own marketing purposes. Quizva has the right to share your personal data as necessary for the aforementioned third parties to provide their services for Quizva. Quizva is not liable for the acts and omissions of these third parties, except as provided by mandatory law.

Quizva may disclose your personal data to third parties as required by law enforcement or other government officials in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringements, or other activity that is illegal or may expose you or Quizva to legal liability. Quizva may also disclose your personal data to third parties when Quizva has a reason to believe that a disclosure is necessary to address potential or actual injury or interference with Quizva rights, property, operations, users or others who may be harmed or may suffer loss or damage, or Quizva believes that such disclosure is necessary to protect Quizva rights, combat fraud and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on Quizva. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Quizva will make reasonable efforts to notify you of such disclosure through Quizva website, blog, forums, social networking pages or in another reasonable manner.

Data Retention and Correctness

Quizva retains the data collected pursuant to this privacy policy for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. Thereafter if the collected data is no longer needed for purposes specified in this privacy policy, Quizva deletes all aforementioned data in its possession within a reasonable timeframe. Quizva does not verify the correctness of personal data.

Irrespective of the above, Quizva may still retain some of the data to the extent such retention is necessary to resolve disputes, enforce Quizva user agreements, and comply with technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of services.

Cookies, beacons and tracking

The services may use “cookies” and other technologies such as pixel tags, locally shared objects, clear GIFs and web beacons.Quizva treats information collected by cookies and similar technologies as non-personal data.

Cookies: A “cookie” is a small bit of record-keeping information that websites often store on a user's computer. Quizva cookies do not include personal data and are typically used to quickly identify your device and to “remember” you. You can disable cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device; however, disabling cookies may affect your ability to use the services.

Flash cookies & HTML5: Quizva may also use flash cookies (locally shared objects) and HTML5 storage (locally stored objects). Locally shared objects are small files similar to browser cookies and are used to remember your settings to personalize the look and feel of the services. Locally shared objects only collect data in the aggregate. You may prevent locally shared objects from being placed by disabling locally stored objects in your browser. Locally stored objects, such as HTML5 Web Storage, are used for similar purposes as cookies but typically may contain a greater amount and different types of data than browser cookies.

Web Beacons and pixel tags: A “web beacon” or a “pixel tag” is an electronic image that allows Quizva to count users who have visited certain pages or viewed certain advertisements. Web beacons, like cookies, do not include personal data. E-mails and other electronic communications Quizva sends to you may contain pixel tags that enable Quizva to track your usage of the communication, including whether the communication was opened and/or what links were followed, if any.

Third Party Terms and Conditions

Please note that your access to and use of the services may be subject to certain third party terms and conditions and privacy policies, including but not limited to application stores (such as Apple iTunes or Google Play), map data providers, mobile software platforms, on-line gaming platforms, social networking services ( such as Facebook and Google+) and payment providers. You recognize and agree that Quizva is not liable for any such third party terms and conditions and their use of your personal data.

Quizva may in its discretion make available links through advertisements or otherwise enable you to access third party products or services. Please note that, while using such products or services, you are using products or services developed and administered by people or companies not affiliated with or controlled by Quizva. Quizva is not responsible for the actions of those people or companies, the content of their products or services, the use of information you provide to them, or any products or services they may offer. The fact that Quizva is linking to those products or services does not constitute our sponsorship of, or affiliation with, those people or companies.

Please note that certain services that Quizva may offer, such as social networking games and gaming console services, may use third party services to provide authentication for the services with a gaming console ID, social networking ID or gaming network account. When you register to join or use the services from a third-party gaming or social networking system, certain personally identifiable user and/or membership data may be transferred automatically to and from Quizva and you hereby consent to the processing, using, combining, disclosing and retaining of such data in accordance with this privacy policy by Quizva.


Quizva follows generally accepted industry standards and maintains reasonable safeguards to attempt to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information in Quizva possession as enabled by Common Law. Only those persons with a need to process your personal data in connection with the fulfillment of their tasks in accordance with the purposes of this privacy policy and for the purposes of performing technical maintenance, have access to your personal data in Quizva possession. Personal data collected by Quizva is stored in secure operating environments that are not available to the public. To prevent unauthorized on-line access to personal data, Quizva maintains personal data behind a firewall-protected server. However, no system can be 100% secure and there is the possibility that despite Quizva reasonable efforts, there could be unauthorized access to your personal data. By using the services, you assume this risk.


Please be aware of the open nature of certain social networking features of the services Quizva may make available to you. You may choose to disclose data about yourself in the course of contributing user generated content to the services. Any data that you disclose in any of these forums, blogs, chats or the like is public information, and there is no expectation of privacy or confidentiality. Quizva is not responsible for any personal data you choose to make public in any of these forums.

If you are under 13 years of age or a minor in your country of residence, please ask your legal guardian’s permission to use or access the services. Quizva encourages parents and/or guardians to play an active role in their children's online experience at all times. Quizva does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13 years of age and if Quizva learns that Quizva has inadvertently gathered personal data from children under 13 years of age, Quizva will take reasonable measures to promptly erase such personal data from Quizva records.

Further information

Any and all use of your personal data by Quizva is governed by Canadian law and not the laws where you may be located.

Should you wish opt-out from receiving communications (such as newsletters or offers) from Quizva, please get in touch with us via contact@quizva.com

Quizva regularly reviews its compliance with this privacy policy. If Quizva receives a formal written complaint from you regarding any and all data stored about you, Quizva will attempt to contact you directly to address any of your concerns. Quizva will cooperate with the appropriate governmental authorities, including data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the collection, use, transfer or disclosure of personal data that cannot be amicably resolved between you and Quizva. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy or the breach, termination or validity thereof shall be finally settled at Quizva discretion (i) at your domicile's competent courts; or (ii) by arbitration in accordance with common Law. The arbitration shall be conducted in Canda in the English language. You agree that you may bring claims against Quizva only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding.

If you have any questions concerning this document, you may get in touch via contact@quizva.com